Thursday, 13 September 2012

Make your own felt demonstration

Today i attended a felt making demonstration at my local library by a local lady called  Shenna Swan.  Shenna runs craft workshops using vintage & recycled material to create handmade supplies, artwork and gifts.
Below is a piece of felt Shenna made at the demonstration in my favourite colour purple :)

Below a range of handmade items made by Sheena, such as a pink artists brush case, bags, jewellery, needle cases, glasses cases etc., all from felt with other mediums worked in.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Hexham Stone Carvings

HexHam Abbey is not far from Hadrians Wall in Northumberland which was founded by St. Wilfred in C.674AD.
Situated in the Prior Leschman Chantry Chapel are several figures carved into the stone.
The 1st guy looks like he is wearing a woollen pixie hat!

Hadrians Wall which is approx 73 miles long is also worth visiting especially Vindolanda, a wooden fort was first erected there about 85AD later forts were built of stone.  The museum houses fabulous finds from the site including leather goods,glass, pottery, jewellery, shoes of all kinds, and the famous wooden writing tablets.